Hi Jeff.
Now that you’ve fixed the chesscom login problem, I’ll just voice a few least we issues I’ve encountered.
My opponent played something like dxc8=R. I accidentally placed a Q on c8 and took back with my rook then looked at my phone (this is before I could play without my phone) and saw it should’ve been a rook. From then on, nothing I could do would allow me to play my turn and I timed out. I tried changing the Q for a R. I tried putting all the pieces back where they were before dxc8 etc etc but nothing I could do would make it my turn. I had to watch my time run out.
When playing a 2 player game with my toddler, his “assistance” suddenly disappeared and all his legal moves were blue. There was no way to turn his assistance back on. I tried disagreeing the game and going to the board editor but there was no option to initiate a two player game from the position I set up (the position left over from out game) and he had to finishing out the game just doing the computer moves. (He was happy because he won but I lost a teaching opportunity).