Pieces and Touchscreen issue

Small slight issue I believe people should be aware of. Not that it was a big deal because I was losing my match anyway… I knocked the knight over while playing fast. It rolled onto the Touchscreen and hit the resign button on my live game and even accepted the loss. So two pony nose touches knew it was time for me to leave the game. I found it pretty hilarious. Just be aware that the pieces can activate the Touchscreen in a heated game!!


Good to know, thanks!

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I thought I could trust the knights… guess not :rofl:


The same thing happened to my wife ( :slightly_smiling_face:) when she accidentally put a captured pawn down on the resign flag. Perhaps the user should be given the chance to confirm or to cancel? One for the future I guess :beach_umbrella:

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I see this has already been flagged in another topic (when playing against bots) and is scheduled to be fixed in a future release

Hi guys,
I just got my chessup2 yesterday and it is an amazing piece of chess, but I have a small problem, my white king is not working properly. When I´m playing and I need to move the white king, I need to try a bunch of times till it works, and castling is almost impossible. I´ve lost a bunch of games on time because I had to try to move the king several times untill works. I need the piece to be replaced, the problem is that I’m in Brazil, and the taxes and fees here are crazy and I´m not sure about how many will cost for me? I have a mail box in Florida.
Jeff, we need to figure out how to solve that as cheap as possible, because I’ve already paid 375 USD on taxes in order to receive the board.

Faulty pieces are replaced at no cost - we will send out a new white king now. Sorry for the bad king