Great board, working well

Hi, I thought it was important to post this as we always see comments about problems. Obviously, most of the customers that are not going through issue almost always stay silent.

So, when I received my board on December 23rd. I was disappointed to see that a black pawn was not working. In this case, my promotion pack obviously did not helped. I was disappointed but not surprised as I had seen many comments about faulty pieces. Then I received my replacement piece on January 3rd and the new piece is working great.

Just to be cautious, I did test all pieces on all possible square before updating the board. After, I updated the board and played many game against the board as well as many game 15/10 against players on chess dot com.

After reading all the complaints on the forum, I was expecting issues but I got none. I am very surprised by this board which is really nice. I am also really impressed by the support and the transparency from this company and how they listen their customers.

Obviously they can’t fullfil all the features request and they cannot fix all the bug at the same time but at least they listen and clearly work on what most customers are asking for.

I think that the Chessup team made a decision to sell a board that was not 100% ready for the market. For me, this was a good decision in the way that I prefer to be able to play with the board earlier than have to wait a year to be able to get it. I am sure that most of the backers share this opinion. I still do understand that for customers that were not backers but just standard customer, this may be frustrating to have purchased a product that is not yet ready as it has been advertised.

But to end this long post, I would like to say that having the opportunity to have and play with the board at this stage, is a great opportunity to help the team to develop it as we (the customers) want it to be. I guess that was the Chessup team goals when they decided to release this board at this stage.

Last thing, I also own a SquareOff Swap which I waited forever for and this board is sitting on a shelf because it is so badly built and is really not working great. ChessUp is way better on all aspects (functionality, roadmaps, support and build quality).



I am also one of the silent majority who received a board and pieces which are working well. I am happy to be patient waiting for some of the software features which have been promised for future delivery. Having purchased a number of chess computers in the past, (Square Off, Millenium, Centaur, DGT Pi - but not the Regium :slightly_smiling_face:) this is the best so far. The future software improvements will make it great. Jeff and his team are clearly committed to achieving this.


Kind of a weird post to make when you mention you received a faulty piece and there are bugs and missing features

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I can second this. I am one of those that everything just works. Good job team.
Looking forward to future updates.


As I am a backer for this project, this was expected to have some issues. I am working in IT Cyber Security business and I am well aware that something brand new like this, sent in a hurry cannot be perfect. I am honestly well impressed by how good it is at this stage. It doesn’t mean that it is perfect and I am sure I will face bug in future but still it is way more reliable and working well than it might look looking at all post here. My goal was just to say that even if it may look terrible based on the post on the forum, there is a lot of users that have no issues or only some minor issues.

Maybe the only thing that I am not fan of was the decision to sell it at large scale (standard customer, not backers) at this stage of the project. I know this was probably a tough decisions made by the Chessup team because there is benefits (more money to complete the project, getting the market, etc.) and drawbacks (having frustrated customers) to do this. They probably thought about it for some time.

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I was one of the Beta testers and can attest to how devoted this team is to see this project succeed. They have been very good about helping everyone with issues, and have been very transparent with everything. I can’t wait to see this board get better and better with the future updates.


Just wanted to add here as well that I had no issue so far (received the board yesterday) and fully enjoying playing on it. Thrilled to see the new features coming


Received my faulty replacement piece today and played my first game on A 10 minute rapid game - game worked flawlessly and game showed up on my app for analysis - very happy!


Just want to add on to the praise here and let others purusing the forums know that since I received my board over a month ago, I’ve had no problems at all! I’ve played probably near a hundred games both on chesscom, chesscom bots, board AI, and OTB with AI assist, and everything has worked flawless for me! This is my prized possession – and now some friends are buying them!