Server Maintenance

Server is down - ChessUp 2 games will be offline for a bit.

4pm-6pm USA CDT time. (approximately)

Does this include games online and against bots?

Yes - all will be down other than some 2 player modes.

Should be back up shortly

Is this something that we can expect to continue to happen in the future? Or will server redundancies eliminate downtime?

Also, does the reliance on your servers mean there will be a day when the servers close and the board becomes nonfunctional? What kind of assurance do we have on being able to continue to play online games for many years into the future?

Server maintenance should became more rare over time. This is the first time 1000+ units have been in the wild using the services.

Our server does some things that the API is not ready for yet - hopefully the dependency fully goes away but it is dependent on, not us.

Lichess API is simpler should work with or without our services.

And no matter what - if we go out of business, the board features will greatly reduce. That is a fact of life - from Apple on down - every connected device is dependent on the company behind it.

I can understand that, though I would hope that in the event of closure or some other circumstances, your company would do its best to keep the board as functional as possible.

But are you saying that even if all your servers go offline, we’ll still be able to play Lichess games, assuming Lichess still exists as a platform and the APIs still work?

I wouldn’t be scared Brightlabs goes down :wink:.
No need to make worst case scenario’s.

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Regardless of how much we’re rooting for the company, it’s a real question that has to be asked.

It not only pertains to a closing of the business but other circumstances, such as planned obsolescence, neglect of an older product, etc.

Can you let us know when they are back up? I got my board in today and was completely freaked out when I couldn’t get anything on working lol. I also noticed that the checkers (which I bought as well) tab and the lichess tab are “coming in the future” do you have an approximate time for either of those modes?

It seems to be back up now

Those will be top priority once we finish some robustness stuff over the next couple of weeks. I think we will be late Dec/early Jan for those two.

Yes - until Lichess changes something about the API, it would work.

However, platform side ( and Lichess) patches are inevitable at some point. New security protocols and standards, etc.

ChessUp 2 will be supported for a long time by us. ChessUp 1 still is fully staffed and supported too.

… this is why when people as “why is it $300?”… well because you want it to work

Got it, thanks. I appreciate the assurance, while understanding that it’s impossible to commit to much at this point.