Suggestion for Assistance


I am not sure if it is already suggested or planned but I did not remember reading about it.

It would be cool to have the option to set the assistance level at the beginning of the game but with the option to only show it on-demand. So if most of the time you are OK on your own but sometimes, you would like to be able to see the assistance using the usual method, not like showing the best move without a piece. So you still have to touch a piece to see it’s move. On the next touched pieces, it will not show the suggestions unless you enable it again.


@Jeff has talked about a hint feature in the past. I can’t remember what the exact plan was, but kind of sounds like that maybe.

Yes I’ve read that but I was not sure what was the way they were planning the “hint” features. I thought it was like tell me what would be the best move without necessarily touching a piece. But I may be wrong.

I agree. Lets ask @Criptix abot that idea

Look at 5.0.0

For hint when requested by user that I’ll put on the feature list.

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