Translation issue with Assistance level selection

In French, level 4 out of 6 translates as “Intermédiaire”. It’s a little long for the available space so it bleeds on a second line, shifting the slider up and down as the selection is made. It’s less of a problem when you keep the finger on the slider but more of an annoyance when you lift the finger in between selections, as you have to shift your finger up-down as well as left-right. I guess that issue might also affect other languages. An easy fix would be a shorter translation or a font reduction when that issue occurs.

Up and down Slider

German is also a bit wrong. I can’t find the post but I think Jeff said the translations are getting better after the roadmap updates. I am not sure tho

@qvo @Clemsisco Would either of you be willing to start a topic for translations where native speaking people can provide feedback? There have been some suggestions and I believe those have been incorporated.

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There is already a topic created.