What is a 'Charge Block'?

I have received in my ChessUp 2.
"To properly charge, ChessUp 2 requires a charge block with at least 10 watts (8 volts, 2 amps).
What is that…and why isn’t proper materials to charge the device included?

A charge block is literally the same thing you use to charge your phone: Usually a cube, plugged in an electrical outlet, where you plug your usb cable.

Many companies stopped providing these by default because everyone ended up having too many of these lying around.

You probably already have one at home already. If not, they arent expensive at your nearest store.

It’s explained on the product website in FAQ section:
ChessUp 2 includes a rechargeable Lithium polymer battery. It is 4600 mAh capacity and provides 6+ hours of use. ChessUp 2 can be fully recharged in 2~3 hours as long as the charger used is of appropriate power.

We provide a 1.5 meter USB C - USB C cable in the product box. We do not provide the charging block (“brick”) as these are unique by country. We recommend a 20 watt USB-C charging block.

The battery is replaceable with removal of the rear case. The battery is not proprietary and a drop in battery is easily sourced.

But…what is a ‘charge block’? Can you give…lets say an amazon link to show what you are talking about?

I use a 35w wall plug to charge my ChessUp 2 board and it works fine. Red light when charging and green when done.

Something like this: https://amzn.eu/d/33gficH

USA - this will work too:

Sorry to be so needy, but I go to the FAQ and it does not tell me anything about what to do now that I have the unity. FAQ

I see on the website a ‘manual’…but it is clearly for ChessUp 1.

Can someone point me to where I am told what to do once I unbox the unity? The paper ‘manual’ with the unit really is of no help.

@Cornfed - I will make a video tonight to show the setup.

Until then, here is an internal video that is still pretty accurate:

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