When is the next update and will checkers be included within it?
The next major update (2.0.0) will have checkers.
There may be minor updates in between that are strictly bug fixes (*and a WiFi meter so people can see their WiFi strength)
~2 weeks for Checkers.
I own 2 Chessnut boards but I’m really enjoying this one. You guys are going to be around for a long time. Great job!!!
Hi @Jeff,
any chance for a 5+5 blitz coming out sooner, before the checkers? Two weeks ago I was told it would be added a week ago (I understand you had some various issues in the meantime).
Thanks in advance for the response!
yeah I was scouring the boards before I was gonna ask about this. 5+0 and 3+2 are not really great on a board where I have to make other people’s moves. 5+5 for a quick game is a must … the other time settings are perfect IMO
Also… looking forward to being able to join tournaments and playing on Lichess of course.
5+5 will be on an update this week, I think Thursday at the latest.
Will that be the 2.0.0 update or will that be a tiny update until then?
thursday is 1.4.2 with the 5+5
Hi there, my board has version 1.4.0 , is this the latest ? I see 1.4.2 is due , is/was there a 1.4.1 ? Will/Can we see the moves simultaneously on an app on a screen or not/never. Thanks, Wayne.
You can right now…
Thanks, but nothing happened, are you a chess up team member por just a backer ?
1.4.1 was just an internal release and will skip.
1.4.2 will be pushed Thursday by ~noon USA CST time.
The main thing users will notice is 5+5 time format.