Avoid 3/2 against good players. 180 or so rating points later, I can attest to that!
Mostly on time…but a fair number of those included me touching the pieces in the wrong order, 0-0 with two hands (trying to save time), not sitting opponents pieces down fully within the square - moving only to not have my move register, having to get my opponents piece in hand again, sitting it on the original square, and moving it again, before I can make my move and have it register.
You have been warned.
I think rapid is where this board will shine - faster time controls when you have to move opponents pieces is always going to be tricky.
Ya I had same issue last night getting into the last 30 seconds / good to know the limitations in advance
It also happens in a time scramble in 10 min rapid, the last 30 seconds consume so fast with this board, and the last 3-5 seconds are almost an immediate loss because we cannot premove, we have to move the opponent piece, make our move and then the connection to ChessCom servers also consumes some time.
I’m waiting for 10 | 5 format, I think that would be the best for this board.
I have the same issue with my Square Off Kingdom board, only worse. It takes the mechanism at least 5-10 seconds to make a move. It worked well with 15+ and longer time controls
I also have a Square Off grand kingdom chess set and that takes ages to make a move. Doing it manually is faster…
I’ve been playing rapid games at 15/10 time control and that works great on ChessUp 2. I have not lost on time yet.
Totally agree I struggle with 10 min games also. 10 + 5 update is needed asap!
I love the 15+10. 10+5 is to fast for me now.
@Criptix how do you currently play 10+5? Using the app?
@Carleslc I told I play 15+10 and that 10+5 is to fast for me.
So I playb15+10. The other time controles I tested on my ChessUp 1 in the past.
…because it has a full 10 sec delay - one should almost never lose on time with that.
That, and the price, is why I bought the Kingdom, which moves pieces to the side of the board a few inches instead of to a parking spot. I do have a game with it every Friday with a buddy in Costa Rica. We usually play for 45 minutes to an hour, like we did for our OTB games. It was particularly nice during Covid shutdown. Since 2019, I’ve played about 200 games. I don’t expect the machine or its battery to last much longer.