3.1.0 Release - Board Editor Major Upgrade

I was able to reproduce the 30 seconds clock in the board editor mode. Turn off the boartd (just to be sure). Turn it on, go into 2 player mode, chose 60 minutes and beginn to play. After 1 or 2 moves quit the game and go to board editor. Start the game and there should be the clock with 0:30 ticking down from 30 seconds with 10 seconds increment per move.
I tried it with 2 different time controls in the 2 player mode. When you chose “None”, board editor works without clock. When you chose 60 minutes or 10 minutes rapid, the 30 seconds clock in board editor mode kicks in.
When you use board editor right after you turn on the board, there is no clock. As soon as you use 2 player mode with a clok, the 30 seconds clocks is ticking in board editor mode. I guess it does not matter, which time control you chose for the 2 players mode.

Yes. When I do it that way, I have the same behaviour as you have. Must be a bug then.

Hello Jeff,
Many thanks for the fast reply, and for mentioning that you will be looking at it, it would be a great feature to have ! Not sure how difficult it would be to implement, but if not too difficult to add, it would be a great and useful feature, especially when analyzing positions from a book :o)
Thanks again, and keep on your great work !
With kind Regards,

There is only one thing missing to make the board editor useful for analysis: unlimited take backs. It’s impossible to try variations without this feature.

What do you guys think?

Of course, thank you for the update!


Takebacks would be great. Especially as it is easy to accidentally make a wrong move when reading a score sheet from an OTB game. If you do not have a take back, you have to start from the beginning.


Yes, is a bug, I guess. Not that bad though, when you know how to avoid it.

You can use the board editor itself to start again from any undo position


Oh yes, of course. How dumb from me not to think on that. Many thanks Jeff for pointing me to that.
And many thanks for the great new update. Chessup 2 is now exactly what I was hoping for, when I backed it on Kickstarter last year.

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Yeah but I need to first discard the current game. Then go to the board editor. Then click on load. Then again click on next and finally click on play. A lot of steps I think, and imagine doing this many times during an analysis session.

I do not understand the take back rule in the 2 player mode. Sometimes you can take it back and sometimes not. Where can I read how it should work?
For example when white makes the first move, it cannot be taken back. Then black makes the first move and can take it back. I figured out, that only the last move can be taken back. After the takeback somtimes I have to touch piece of the other color that moved last, or at least that is how it works for me. So I can take back 1 move, but I cannot take the first move of white. Very strange behaviour. Or am I missing something. It would be great to have unlimited take backs, when playing 2 player mode. When we play, we sometimes discuss different lines and then just play them out for a few moves and then take it back to where we started.

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Maybe that was it. I wasn’t out my house so I likely want connected to WiFi at my mom’s place.

It is supposed to be consistent that as long as you have not made the opposing Ai’s move or the 2 player opponent has not moved, you can take back.

*However, if there is a situation that is not working, we may need to fix a bug. We will test this a bit and try to verify

I think that in timed games, take back is not working, which is understandable since opponent’s time started decreasing, it would be unfair to allow for take back on your opponent’s time

Ok, I get it. Then the only bug I guess is, that you cannot take back move 1 with white.
Besides that, it would be great to have unlimted take backs in 2 player mode and board editor mode.
I do not need take backs for undoing a bad move, because I think chess should be played without take backs, even when playing an engine and especially when playing another person. What I really use take backs is, when analysing games and trying out different lines.
Yesterday we used the Chessup 2 in or chess club to analyse games. When you analyse you usually do several lines and then you go back to the original line. That’s only possible, if you have unlimited take backs (or at least a number of take backs). I decided to go with the board editor, because so we just could start the editor new, with the right position, but this is not very comfortable. You have to quit and start over again and that needs a couple taps on the touch screen every time you do so.
Maybe you could consider unlimited take backs for one of the next updates.

I totally agree with you… please at least consider it. It will significantly impact the product’s value.