Another lichess game starts after completing one

This happens when I use Chessup iOS app + Chessup2 board to play on Lichess.

Whenever a game ends, another game immediately starts, unbeknownst to me. I noticed that when I visit lichess on my phone to analyze my game, lichess warns be about an ongoing game. When I take a look at that game, I notice that another game started by itself, which auto aborts after the first move timeout hits.

What I‘m worried about is getting banned/punished for them, because Lichess warns me about unnecessarily aborting games.

Example :

The real game: hilcroc vs iplayotb: Pirc Defense: Classical Variation •

The aborted game started by Chessup app, unbeknownst to me:

I use the latest version of everything.

Sorry for the duplicate games - we have this on the list to fix as soon as possible.

Thanks for reporting

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