Bug: Board did not recognize mate in two player mode

Got an weird bug in two player mode. I had following PGN with the black pieces against my son:

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "1r2r1k1/2p2p1p/2p2qp1/p1bp4/4n1KP/3Q2PB/PPP2P2/R1B2R2 b - - 0 1"]

1... h5#

The board recognized it only as a check and suggested the only possible move Bxh6. Seems to be a new en passent rule. :wink:

Here is the position directly after the checkmate.

The same happens in board editor, too, if I start with the given position.

Update: I found the bug form now and submitted the problem there.

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I would expect weird behavior in board editor - but not in 2 player mode.

What was the last black move, h7h5?

Right, pawn from h7 to h5, checkmate.

I once had a mate in one (backrank) in a 2 player game identified as a bad move by the intermediate assist.

@npoirier That’s quite interesting. In my 2 player game the assistant was also activated for my son.

But the question is: does the board recognize the checkmate if you play the move nonetheless? Because that was the problem with my game.

In my opinion a faulty assistant is not so serious as the board not “knowing” the rules. :wink:

After we confirm this bug should be a quick fix (with the bishop en passant)

As for the assistance being wrong with mate in 2 - that is a known bug but will remain until fixed by our all new embedded Ai in the works. The WiFi assistance should be used whenever possible too.

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