Two Player OTB via ChessUp2 board menu

I was able to try out the two player OTB option today. There was only an option to select the amount of assistance for each player. I’m guessing there will be an option to select timed games in the future? Once the game is started with no pieces on the board, the 8 squares on each side are purple, but there are two squares that are blue (H3, H4). Once all the white pieces are on the board those go away. I also noticed that it lets you setup the pieces in any orientation you want. I swapped blacks H8 Rook with the pawn on H7. As soon as I made a move with white, the board then recognized the rook as a pawn and the pawn as a rook. On the screen it shows a Black and White strip, the draw and resign option. I noticed captured pieces show up in the white and black stripes which is nice, but there is no indication of who’s turn it is (It’s nice to know when playing with a 3 or 6 year old who doesn’t always pay attention) and the draw and resign buttons don’t do anything. When the game ends in checkmate, the board does its flashing of all the squares, but the screen just stays with the white and black stripes like the game is still going. I feel like this is kind of a mix of future options that are not updated yet and potentially a couple bugs, that’s why i posted this here and didn’t submit a bug form.


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Interesting. I went ahead with your theory and tested it online. The board does mis-represent the pieces even in an online game. As soon as you switch 2 pieces.

Now, is it a feature or a bug? Because it could be a by-product of beeing able to promote a queen even if you don’t have another one (and therefore a pawn acts as a queen, for exemple).

Nice find :slight_smile:

P.S. Doesn’t work with the checkers pieces. Dang, almost thought PBK’s invented the ‘‘blind chess’’ like on mode :rofl:

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Addressing each of these:
@timed game = yes coming soon

@the two blue squares (H3, H4) = this is ChessUp 1 code, it believes you are trying to move the pawn on H2 and is showing you its moves. This is because that pawn is missing so it assumes you are holding it. (All the pieces are missing, but that is first in the list)

@mixed up pieces = also ChessUp 1 code, which did not have piece recognition. It counted on the starting square and tracking the piece. ChessUp 2 piece recognition has not been added to the 2 player game launch mode yet and that will be fixed soon (whole new flow coming). It will likely just tell you the pieces are in the wrong spot and wait for you to fix it.


Overall, a lot is just leftover code from ChessUp 1 half way tied into a UI that is not complete.

We are putting full effort into completing the software and with the pilot run release we did not pause to clean up some loose ends - as the future updates will overwrite all of this anyways.

The gameplay screen(s) are going to have a lot of features, but you caught us in the middle of development at this time.


I notice there isn’t an option to disable showing all legal moves. Can we assume this will be added in a future update?

Currently we only have the testing software. No real ‘update’ has been done yet. So I assume yes.

But I know there’s an option to disable lights in the app. I cannot test if it works when connected to the chessup 2 as I am at work, but it’s worth exploring. Could work as a temporary ‘solution’

The ChessUp 1 has a no light future.
Maybe connect to the app, select feature inside the options and test?
I normally recive my board this week so I can’t test it myself.

I now confirm, the app does not cross over the ‘remove legal moves lights’ from chessup1 to chessup2.

So it’s a future update. Dont forget: We have a pre-alpha version of the software :wink:

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