Frozen at checkmate

Saw a bug for the first time: checkmate froze the game with this image, no checkmate animation. The only distinct thing I can think of was it was a ladder mate with two queens.

Going to try replicating and find parameters before submitting report. Firmware 0.5.5.

Anyone else seen this picture on checkmate?

I have not, was it an online game?

No, 2-player Chessup game. White with assistance 6 and black with assistance 1, in case it matters.

I just had the same thing happen.

ChessUp Two Player game
White assistance 1
Black assistance 6

When I moved the queen for checkmate, it surrounded the king with two rows of blue, then all of the lights turned off.

I was able to recreate the issue. It seemed to do this if white was level 1 and black was either level 4, 5, or 6. It didn’t have an issue when white was level 1 and black was level 1, 2, or 3. I submitted a bug report.

Thanks for reporting

@Jeff I just went through every combination of White and Black to see what checkmates freeze. Its almost all of them.


Thanks. This is tied in with the Ai Assist feature being active. I appreciate the help.

Justin is looking into it.

Now that’s dedication.