Not sure if this is considered a bug or if I’m just doing it wrong…
If I pick up the king and a rook at the same time and move them to their castled positions, ChessUp 2 behaves kinda weird - it doesn’t accept the move, highlights some pieces with purple, and I have to pick them up and fiddle about a bit before it accepts the move. I haven’t figured out exactly what solves it yet.
If I first move the king 2 squares, and then move the rook, it accepts the move as normal.
I’m a total amateur when it comes to chess (never played a serious game IRL, etc.) but I understand that picking up both pieces at the same time is considered a correct way to play the move, as long as the king is the first piece you touch - shouldn’t the board accept this?
Currently the move must be completed King first, rook second. This follows the proper rules for live play over the board. However, being more flexible on castling situations is something we will look into.
Technically you’re doing it wrong since as per both FIDE and USCF rules, Castling is considered to be King move and so the king must be touched first.
Now, where rules get kinda confusing is that while FIDE laws of chess state that king must be released before touching rook, the USCF rules technically allow case where King and Rook are simultaneously touched. It’s strange, since it also contradicts the “one-hand rule”, according to which (both, per FIDE and USCF) whole move must be performed using single hand. Unless we’re talking of some very big hands
But to make it simple, Castling is a move where King moves FIRST and the tower jumps over him.
I appreciate any due diligence, but the new firmware solved the issue. But before the latest firmware, I did enter the position from the board editor and tried to play it without a firmware update in between.