Hey there! I was practicing endgames last night on the ChessUp2 Board Editor. I accidentally set up an illegal position, and discovered a consistent crash trigger: capturing a king with certain pieces causes a crash that requires a power reset to get out of. I didn’t test all piece combinations exhaustively, but here are the notable ones:
1.) Capturing the black king with white rook causes a crash
2.) Capturing the black king with the white queen or bishop does NOT cause
a crash
3.) Capturing the white king with black queen causes crash
4.) Capturing the white king with black rook does NOT cause crash
5.) Capturing the white king with black knight is not possible because the
board recognized the position as illegal and unplayable
6.) Capturing either king with the other one is also not possible because the
board again recognizes the position as illegal
It seems like the intent was that every position would be checked for legality, and therefore all illegal positions would be screened out before a crash was triggered (like what happens when black knight attempts to take white king). Maybe you guys knew about this, but I figured I’d throw it out there just in case.