ChessUp Lessons - Android App

Releasing soon on Android


I have some difficulty visualizing the squares controled by king, bishop and knight for pushing the king to a corner for mate. Maybe a lesson for mate with bishop and knight will help with lights opened in the controled squares for more immediate visualization, making it easier to learn.
Lets take some chessup lessons!

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This is really cool. I canā€™t wait for this to be available on ChessUp 2

On the ChessUp 2:
You can use the board editor and setup the pieces like you want and play on from there by puching the play on button for White or black. I did that yesterday to test that out. I used the book ā€˜100 endgames you must knowā€™.
One thing u should know: when u get the Check mate the celibration animation will play. After u pick-up a piece all the squares lid up to invite you to put the pieces back. U can ignore that and setup the next position. After u puch the play on as White or black u can play that out with no problem.


Yup, I have already used that feature to practice from the Silmans Complete Endgame Course. Iā€™m just excited to see the interactive aspect of the lessons as well. This will be very helpful for teaching my 3 and 6 year old how to play.

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Any update on the release of lessons?

It will happen by the end of November.


Still on track?

It is done on android and we are waiting on iOS - it will slip into December because the iOS dev also does our server work and we have a bit more server work to finish up. We are set up to deliver ~100 lessons in 2025 and release the first 20~30 in December.

I donā€™t know if we will release Android until iOS is caught up (December).

I know this feels like infinite slips - and sorry for that - but this is it. We finalized all the contracts and services to make this content happen. The creators are already making the lessons.


This looks really slick. I love the lights visualizing how the king is being blocked off. Will the lessons give you opportunities to guess the next move before giving you the answer?

We want to get to this ā€œchoose you own adventureā€ style lesson with branches and feedback. However, not there yet.

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This idea sounds amazing. I imagine you just kinda start playing a game against the ai or a human and optionally hear commentary and recommendations about your current position for all popular openings. I hope you can get there.

Is there any update on the release of lessons? December has come and gone without any news.

Resources are tied up right now with ChessUp 2 WiFi bugs.

Lessons production is still going on. The iOS update for allowing people to use the lessons is waiting until this WiFi resync issue is resolved. It will be quick once the WiFi issues are fixed, which we expect to be 1 week out. Lessons thus are late January assuming WiFi issues for ChessUp 2 are fixed.

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