Faint whining/ringing heard

Hi there,

I’m hearing a faint continuous whining noise coming from around the screen with my new ChessUp 2.

I can’t really hear it in the video.

There is nothing that moves mechanically inside the unit. There are power regulators that have switching frequencies, but those are in inaudible bands as far as I know.

There is a screen brightness setting - you could try that to see if the noise resolves?

I’m not having that issue but you mention a brightness control. Where is that setting? I checked the app and the touchscreen options. I only see About, Wifi, Sign Out (chess.com), Language, and Reset All.

Perhaps the brightness control setting was not released yet - or got lost when we updated the settings menu. It will be back in the near future.

It will be in settings when published. Sorry for the confusion.

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