Firmware 2.5.0 update

What’s going on with the bots? I was on 1.6 as I haven’t used the board in a week. Bots keep saying “starting soon” but it doesn’t start. Upgraded to 2.5. Same thing.

How long did you wait? I started a game yesterday with bot and it took near a minute to start (just guesstimated) but it finally started.

Working for me okay - not much of a wait - a few seconds

I also can’t log into the app now. It doesn’t give me the option to log in. I use email and password. The next button is greyed out regardless of the password I am putting in. Bizarre.

When I put the password in the next is still greyed out.

Have you already set up an account - I remember reading somewhere if the password isn’t long enough and/or special characters it stays greyed out.

Yeah I signed up. Was working great. Haven’t used the board in two weeks. Apparently version went from 1.6 to 2.5 and a ton of stuff isn’t working now.

I tried a 25 character password it still stays greyed out. Updated app to latest version too.

I guess you have tried password reset?

I just tried password reset and it seems ok now. Was strange a bad password shouldn’t have greyed out the next button. Thx.

Where did the rated/unrated option for games go? I want to play unrated and I don’t see the option. When I hit 5|5 it goes right to starting game.

Disregard the option was moved. I obviously have been out of the loop here. Thx.

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When using hint limit, after the hint limit has been reached, the hint squares turn blue as they should, but when you place a piece, they flash red as if it’s briefly showing you that was a bad move. I get the impression that the hint is showing for a brief flash when the pieces are set down, and if not, the red flash is giving my wife (who is learning) the wrong impression she is making a mistake.

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This was a welcome update. I have a few comments:

  1. Would it be possible to have the board default to/remember the last selected clock settings? I play with my young son and the board always defaults to a blitz clock. At least, can the default be something more lenient?

  2. The hint limit is great in 2P games. Please add it to 1P bot games as well.

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Thanks for reporting and sorry for the stuck game - I forwarded to the developer team

Yes good suggestion - we do have some version of remember favorite coming. I can’t recall which exact release but it is in the works.

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We are reviewing this one now - sorry for the loss and I appreciate you sharing it

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We will check it out. Sometimes we shut down the game on win and fail to persist the winning message (we send it once and if lost, it is lost). We will fix that.

This is on purpose - even with move limit we show the result of the move in terms of good/bad in the post move blink.

@ 1 - yes we will do some favorite mode persistence in the future.

@ 2 - noted - we will work in assistance settings with bots in a March release (big overhaul to bots with more choices)


Is this the place where we report bugs now for this update?

I showed the board to my 4 year old son. I thought I could use the board editor, in order to learn him the movement of the pieces.

But this was super buggy, unfortunately. First of all, the board editor doesn’t allow 2 players to play, so AI plays as the other player. Not a bug I guess but it would be a feature request.

But then we tried to play. Put on 2 kings, a white pawn and a white knight. We started and when the black king should move, the board hang. First it wanted to castle ( I think, but there were no rooks obviously), but even when I put it on the castle square it hang. I restarted the board, put the king not on the starting square in order to tell the board that it shouldn’t castle but it took 5 tries to get it to work, it hang couple of times. Long story short, the board editor is a bit buggy with few pieces on the board

Board editor will be hooked into 2 player games in an upcoming release.


There is a small bug with the icons in the 2 players’ time control selection UI where the icon is not updated when changing between time controls of different game modes (rapid, blitz, bullet).

The default is 5|5 with blitz icon. If you select another time control, e.g. rapid 10 min, then the icon will remain as blitz, appearing as (blitz icon) 10 min. That happens until you go back to the previous screen and again to the time control screen, then the icon updates but if you select a different time format then the same happens.

ChessCom time control screen icons update correctly.

1 Like bot saving is waiting on to make a change. Unfortunately we do not have a date yet. If the date is too far out, we will work a solution of our own. But we are waiting on their schedule first.