Firmware 2.5.0 update bot saving is waiting on to make a change. Unfortunately we do not have a date yet. If the date is too far out, we will work a solution of our own. But we are waiting on their schedule first.


Hi Jeff, will there be a way to tell to the board the status of the castle right? Like in FEN format, there is an option to allow/disallow the castle right (in case a piece has already moved then went back to its original square.


For the board editor - we will assume castling rights if the position looks like it would be legal.

We will provide a method to remove those rights as well - but TBD the exact setup flow.

Version 2.5.5 is up!

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I assume version 3.0 is no longer going to be January now?

@Jeff I am having issue with a specific square which started recently and hasn’t been fixed with the 2.5 update as I was hoping it might be just a software glitch. Can you tell me based on these behaviors and attached photos what could be the culprit? Played two-player game, blacks have none assistance and white has master assistance (the kid still wins :rofl:)

  1. All pieces except pawns are affected
  2. In board editor the square correctly recognizes all pieces
  3. Happens on after first touch
  4. Happens on full battery as well
  5. Reset hasn’t helped
  6. It’s only that square that’s acting up constantly
  7. Checkers seems to be fine with that square
  8. The patterns and colors would be random every time a piece is touched on that square
  9. Different game modes make no difference

The release is planned for Feb 5th as stated in 3.0.0 Release - Lessons - #2 by Jeff


I’ve had had a new castling issue since 2.5.5. Castling seems impossible. It works after a while, after a few retries. Could be a big problem in blitz. It happened 3 times out of 3 so far. In this demo GIF, it was on turn 4 so there was no issue with castling rights.

We need to replace the white king. It is the only piece that can be intermittent like that and it is solved with replacing.

This seems like a software bug. We have some improvements to assistance and I think this bug is among them. That is in the works.

Thank you @Jeff for your prompt reply, I am glad it’s just a SW glitch.

Actually - after reviewing further - your board likely has 1 intermittent LED that corrupts the entire LED sequence.

We will follow up by email.

@Jeff what’s planned after 3.0.0 is released?

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Appreciating the improved board editor ai. For my level, which is still pretty poor, I am really enjoying setting up positions from my games and trying different moves. I know further refinements to the editor are in the pipeline but where I am at in my chess journey this is working very well for me.


Do we know what the board editor level is now?

It’s AI level 11: Board Setup and bot play from position - #5 by Richard

Hi @Jeff , thank you for following up and diligently looking into my feedback! You and your team are exceptional in taking care of the customer base.


I had two dropped bot games yesterday, both bots (all I play). I’m on 2.5.5. Both were in the flow of a game with no delayed moves, all at the end of my move where the board recognizes my last position but gets no new move from the bot.

I played all weekend, quite a few games, with no issues and was surprised by two drops yesterday. And over the weekend I even let a couple of games sit for about 30 minutes over supper!

As the games are not recorded, it’s only a minor inconvenience. I take back my last move, switch the board off and back on, choose Board Editor and select my color, then proceed with my move and finish out the game. In both situations, the games was moving into the end game (if that makes any difference).

I’m not complaining, just reporting, especially after it was two times. Thanks to the team for progressing as the board is simply amazing :slight_smile:

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The fixes for the bot games have not rolled out yet - but will be addressed next.

We put the priority on fixing online play. Now it is time to fix the bot dropped games.

The bots and the live person play are two completely different platforms for the board<-> is also working on a date for us in terms of “when all bot games will be saved”. We are expecting to be able to give a date next week (*not the date it is released, but the date that the date is given)

I apologize for the lost bot moves. It will be fixed soon.