ChessUp 2 OTB via iOS app not working


I’m trying to set up a 2-player OTB game using the app (as opposed to the board), so we can set time controls and play two ChessUp accounts against each other.

I get through set up fine, and the board is clearly communicating with the app (it shows which piece I’m touching on my phone), but I can’t make a single legal move. On the board, it only shows purple underneath the piece I’m trying to move, and then when I move it flashes purple at the new spot.

The “AI Opponent” through the app, which has a similar setup process, works perfectly (including time controls).

Any advice for getting this to work?

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I just had the same problem an hour ago. App saw the move, but was not alowed to move on the board.

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I will flag the iOS dev - may be a bit for a fix, but I will let them know.

Thanks! Confirmed working perfectly on Android, btw, but Android doesn’t seem to have the option to play against another ChessUp user.

Also–neither app lets you set a hint limit for both players (just one). I’m sure this is the wrong place to shoehorn that in, but just something I noticed during testing. I’m a big fan of the hint limit feature!

Works now after todays update, FW 1.2.0😃 Thank you!