Repeated requests to update Chessup 2 to 1.1.0

On turning on yesterday, display reported ready to update to 1.1.0, which I confirmed and all appeared OK. Today, playing Bot 6 with assistance 6, the board froze, then after a little while offered to update to 1.1.0 - I confirmed, all seemed to update OK - again. Then played Bot 6 assistance 6 - same cycle over again

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Thanks for reporting - I will flag the dev team

Also experiencing this same exact issue. Just got my board and was able to play for a few games before the reset loop started happening, and now I can barely play half a game before the abrubt restart + reset + update, over and over again.
Unsure if related, but I was charging the board through all of this, and it actually finished charging shortly after the issue popped up.

Having our firmware person take a look at the thread - thanks for reporting

Hi @Dids & @dllblue ,
We are looking into this. Do either of you have a picture of the last position before the reset happened? If you have that and the move prior to that position, it might help us debug the issue faster.

Tried again today Bot 6 Assistance 6, board froze but didnt offer automatic “update”.
On restarting, no problem with Bot 1 Assistance 3.
Also no problem with five consecutive live games on I’m loving the ability to play the live games on the board. :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you know what the move was before this position? Meaning what move led to this position?

Just played one game against the local AI successfully, then boom, got hit by the reset bug again in the middle of the second game.

Black’s king (AI) was at e8 when I moved my rook from h1 to to e1. Black (AI) moved their king from e8 to d8, then it crashed and reset. Not sure if if this is what you were asking though.

By reset I do mean that you have to go through the onboarding process again, language, WiFi, followed by the update process that takes a while. This is a rather annoying issue, which I’m hoping can be tracked down and reproduced asap, given how it effectively “breaks” the board over and over again.

Not sure if it’s the least bit useful, but I did take a picture of the move before the crash and the move when it crashed, which show where all pieces were.

Here’s the board one move before the crash:

Here’s the board when it crashed:

Calling in the firmware team to take a look here - be right back with you

Hi @Dids
This is exactly what I need. I will try it out to see if I get the crash. If I do it will be very easy to debug.

@Dids Can you provide the serial number for your board? If you go to settings from the home page a select about you can find it there.

@Dids Also, if you have the approximate time of the game that crashed that would be helpful.

Here’s the serial, but also version information just in case:

If you mean the actual time and date (as opposed to game time/duration), it was roughly December 17th at 7AM UTC.

After extensive testing today, I’ve been unable to reproduce the crash, and there were some differences in what I did and what happened.

I booted up the board and it was stopped in its reset state from yesterday, so I selected English as the language and tapped on my WiFi network.
Now instead of immediately using the iOS app to input the WiFi SSID password, I figured I would try the built-in touch keyboard, which was surprisingly comfortable to use.

However, after 3-4 attempts, I realized that no matter how many times I entered the password, it would always say unable to connect and blame the password, even though visually I couldn’t see anything wrong with it (it’s only alphanumerical, fyi).

Next I fired up the app and quickly entered the password, which worked fine, so I terminated the iOS app entirely instead of backgrounding it, and much to my surprise I was greeted by the board’s main menu, instead of the firmware update that previously kept happening.

Afterwards I started a local/offline bot match, expecting it to reset at any moment, yet it never did. After several games it hasn’t reset, not even once!

Unless you/someone else on the team made changes to your backend etc. in the past 24 hours, I think the following message has something to do with it, because even after restarting the board I get this once, and never got this before, although I don’t know if this means no connection to the app, WiFi or internet/your services. Either way, this message and device state seem relevant, as does the firmware update not triggering again.

Edit: I’ll keep testing and reporting any potentially related patterns and findings, but unfortunately the different timezones will cause some delay with the back and forth discussion. Also note that if the board supports serial over USB or similar, I have no problem relaying that data back to you, just in case there’s logging and the reset triggering would log somethings useful.

Hi All,
We have been able to reproduce this bug and have a fix for it. We should have this out in the next firmware release. Thanks for all your help tracking this down.


Any details on what the issue is and if there is a fix available?

New firmware should fix this - issue with an update to a 3rd party library in product. We rolled back to the version that works.

Did you move to 1.2.0?

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