Great! App update with lessons ready now

Was updating my apps and this appeared out of

nowhere, looking forward to try this out!

Thanks to the team for the hard work!


Btw, am I the only one not finding the Ding vs Gukesh lesson?

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It is all publishing this afternoon - should populate within 15 minutes.

Several different platforms to publish and hard to sync perfectly.

We still have a few known bugs, so more updates will follow.

If your lesson ever gets stuck, just hit play on the app.

There is also an occasional bug where it will “promote” out of nowhere. We will get that fixed soon


Thank you so much @Jeff and all the ChessUp team!

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Likely an issue with publication timing. It should be there…


Yes that was it, now I see both games. Thanks

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Enjoy. Working on them was a pleasure and fun.