Importing games from chessup 1 board not working

I had the auto import off and have been trying to import the 41 games on the board. Repeatedly it shows 41 games to import and after 40 are done it says it’s complete but the 40 or 41 games are not loaded. It then gives me the chance to do it again a few minutes later with the same failed result. Any idea how to fix this?

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@grabbe - any thoughts?

With auto import this is using iOS?

Initially auto import was turned off, which is why there were so many games. (I turned it off because there was no way at the time for me to delete games). When it would not let me import them, I tried turning auto import on to see if that would fix the problem but it did the same thing, telling me their were games to import, showing it was being done then saying it successfully imported but failing to do so.

Yes, iOS.

Any idea what to do? It adds games from but won’t import the games for. Over the board. Just played another and wanted to analyze but cannot do so. Keep getting 42 games ready to import then it says 41 successfully imported but no OTB games are actually imported.

There might be a corrupt game in the record. Can you email us with the account info for your ChessUp app account?