It doesn't work at all - 0 light on the board - Chess up 2

I’ve never been able to calibrate the game board. None of the squares on the board light up, even after “Calibrate board” from the menu and even after a complete reset. the board is fully charged. No light mode is not activated. Firmware is up to date (2.5).

This is only for ChessUp 1.

Sorry, i don’t understand. What is only for chess up 1 ?

In any case, nothing works. No lights come on the board, and I can’t start any game because I always end up with the message “place chess pieces to continue”.

Yeah, that might be a different issue. Let’s wait until someone from the team sees your post.

And in version 2 of chess up, there is a “calibration board” option in the settings of the board

We will reach out from customer support to help troubleshoot and replace as necessary. Sorry for the faulty unit.

Thank you very much