Linked account and authorized board. Main screen still show no account linked

Not sure if anyone has this issue. I tried multiple times, reseted the board and started all over again.

What happens is that when i tap to link the account it goes to chess dot com, i log in just fine and authorize the board. However the app continues to show the message “Tap to link” on the instead of my username and the green dot.

Annoying. Although everything seems to work fine, i am worried that i might be missing something because a bad linking.

Try to follow these videos here and let me know what step shows up different?

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With the iOS app, I can login to my account on the ChessUp2 board but not in the app. In the app, tapping on “ Tap to login” button takes me to chesscom homepage instead of the login page. If I then click on Login to manually go there and enter my credentials, I go back to the home page. There is no prompt for a permission to connect. If I close the embedded browser and open it again, I just end up in the chesscom home page with my signed in user, no prompt. If I log out, close the browser, open it again, makes no difference.

I have the same issue on the current iOS app and the newest board firmware (1.5.0).

Main screen says that I need to tap to login:

but then it opens home page after login…

Tried everything including unregister, reset etc…

The good thing is that it doesn’t affect integration, I can play with bots and randoms.

Is the remember me checkbox checked when logging in?

For the app only login, I would also make sure the ChessUp 2 is off while doing it.

Let me know if still an issue.

Hi Jeff,
yes, it was checked (pic rel).
I tried once again (ChessUp 2 off) but with the same result.

So here are the steps:

  1. Logout from, kill Safari, app and ChessUp2 app
  2. Open ChessUp2 app again
  3. Tap to login on banner/button (no green indicator)
  4. ChessUp2 app displays frame with site before login (pic rel)
  5. Make sure that “Remember me” checkbox is checked
  6. Provide username (also tried with email) and password and tap login
  7. Observe page after login
  8. Tap X button and get back to the main screen of ChessUp2 app.
  9. Notice no green indicator for banner. Also after refresh and reopen the app.

I hope, that helps to reproduce and fix the issue.

I had the same problem, I fixed it by going to the screen prompting me to sign in from the app on the board, then without clicking cancel, going to phone and signing in.

Same problem for me: appears with a grey dot instead of a green dot in the app. I though it was normal because of the beta label next to it. I never succeeded to get it green.

Unfortunately, it didn’t help.

Ok I figured it out. I was expecting something special but there‘s nothing special. You just login to in the embedded browser and… that‘s it. You can start a game in the embedded browser and then can make the moves on the chessup2 board.

What was a little bit confusing was that in the app home screen, button doesn‘t have a green light + account name unlike the lichess button.

And everyone is having this on iOS, correct?

In my case I have my account name but yeah the green indicator never turned on for me even though my account is linked and fully operational when I click on it.

When u login to remember to check the box remeber me.

That’s right. Seems that issue is related to iOS app.

I did that. Actually when you enter, the account is logged in normally. It’s just the green indicator that for some reason remains always gray.