Opponent recommended move

Which is the reccommended opponent move in this picture - the white square or the dark gray ?

Do you mean according to the assistance level?

The board would indicate both moves are the same category (which blue means mistake on assitance level 3 currently).

So, both, or neither.

But, recommended? The rook is supposed to move sideways too and no lights are showing on the 8th ranked. So, you’re playing against an AI and it tells you to move the rook up 2 squares, no?

I don’t understand your question otherwise…

Thanks for responding. I’m just wondering which is the preferred move, the white or dark grey. I understand that either one is good.

Yea, there was no highlighed move on the 8th rank. I should have taken a broader picture.

That is just showing that you should move the opponents rook from h8 to h6. The h7 square is nothing but the path of the move.

Those are not lit different colors, they are just a light square and a dark square.

There are no recommendations for the opponent. It is just showing you the opponents move as a path.

*You can set it to player vs player and then you can get recommendations for both sides.