Problematic piece

My white king is not properly detected by the Chessup 2 board when the piece is placed in the center of the square. It is only detected when the king is placed along the outer edges of the square (though this is inconsistent).

I’m also noticing that while other pieces are detected even when held above the board a centimeter or so, the king isn’t detected at all when it’s held above the board, even when held above the edges of the square as described.

I’ve tried recalibrating the board, and I’ve also tried poking a hole in the felt of the king, neither of which helped.

Anyone have any other suggestions on how I can fix this piece?

This is a software issue - we thought we fixed it in a former release, but it will need a new update (coming Monday or Tuesday).

The piece is fine, sorry for the confusion. We should have communicated this earlier.