Yes we can add this (to the board, probably not on the app though)
Do very many people play TC’s that slow? The most I even see are 60 min games.
It’s kind of a classical long chess timing. slowpokes!
I need 90 + 30 and PGN at the same time. Atm, the app is the only way of getting a PGN. Also, being able to store multiple games in the board itself, and retrieve them later using the app would be really nice. Like playing twenty blitz games. 90+30, only one game is needed to be stored offline.
In clubs, 90% of the time is spent playing 90+30. At least in Sweden.
I play three games per week using this setting.
That is around twelve hours in total.
(Using 60 moves per game => 90+30 = 120 minutes per player)
To be able to do this, I’m a member of two chess clubs.
@Jeff maybe add the possibility to add costum time control? Ppl can than choose what they want.
That would be great. When doing so, please let set the time for both sides individually, so we can play with time odds.
I wish that was true in the US!
@Christer - so, you are talking about physical OTB games it seems. That long a TC is something few would likely do online. But if it doesn’t interfere with anything else or make disconnects even more likely, why not.
So this is possible - the board will store 50~100 game history and all can be uploaded at once
@Richard - can you confirm the board storage limits?
Custom time would be great for 2-Players OTB and if you want to play with a friend. Otherwise, starting an online game with time format not already standardized on will probably never work. I mean you can do it on but if you are playing random people, you have to wait for someone that will have chosen the exact same setting. So you will probably wait forever. But that’s a great suggestion for other type of game.
Yes - that’s typical. It’ll vary based on game move count.
Currently the saved OTB games do not have the time for each move. We will put that in the to-do list.
Also, the timestamp when the game started does not seem to be registered. When the app uploads the games from the board all OTB games are registered with the timestamp of the uploading, not when the games actually happened.
Noted - we will add that too.
Another bug with that (sorry if this was reported before): saved and exported games always show 0+0 time control in the export PGN and not the one that was played, e.g 900+10.