I just got the ChessUp 2. I really want to love this, and maybe I still will, but right now I’m honestly feeling pretty disappointed: I’ve experienced several buggy behaviors, and I’m very surprised at the lack of any real documentation. Not what I would have expected given the premium pricing.
The specific issue I’m running into at the moment is that I can’t resume a game on the board. My kids were trying to play a game–initiated from the app–while I was in the next room. I believe one of them started to castle but didn’t finish (moved the king but not the rook), and then the board got into some kind of stuck state. I exited the game in the app and then tried to resume it. The app asked me if I wanted to play on the board, and I said yes. The app then waited for me to correct the board placement. But once I did that, it did not actually start the game: it doesn’t show whose turn it is, I can’t move any pieces in the app, and touching any piece on the board just lights up its own square in purple.
So I guess I have two questions:
- How exactly can I resume a game that I previously started (a) in the app, or (b) just on the board without the app?
- Is there any way to set up a position and then just begin a game from there?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give. I really hope we can get this working – I’ve been really excited to use this to teach and enjoy chess with my kids.