Problems resuming a game on the board

I just got the ChessUp 2. I really want to love this, and maybe I still will, but right now I’m honestly feeling pretty disappointed: I’ve experienced several buggy behaviors, and I’m very surprised at the lack of any real documentation. Not what I would have expected given the premium pricing.

The specific issue I’m running into at the moment is that I can’t resume a game on the board. My kids were trying to play a game–initiated from the app–while I was in the next room. I believe one of them started to castle but didn’t finish (moved the king but not the rook), and then the board got into some kind of stuck state. I exited the game in the app and then tried to resume it. The app asked me if I wanted to play on the board, and I said yes. The app then waited for me to correct the board placement. But once I did that, it did not actually start the game: it doesn’t show whose turn it is, I can’t move any pieces in the app, and touching any piece on the board just lights up its own square in purple.

So I guess I have two questions:

  1. How exactly can I resume a game that I previously started (a) in the app, or (b) just on the board without the app?
  2. Is there any way to set up a position and then just begin a game from there?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give. I really hope we can get this working – I’ve been really excited to use this to teach and enjoy chess with my kids.

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What will help a lot - is don’t use the app. It is meant to be used without the app.

There is a board editor on the main menu where you can set up any position and play it out. However, it is currently wired to play out against a low level AI. In a very soon release, that will have a full setup flow.

In terms of save and resume, that is also coming soon.

Start 2 player games from the board and without the app and the board should behave as expected.

The app stuff is more for the ChessUp 1.

There will be several improvements added in the next series of software updates.

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Okay, thanks. That’s actually what I tried first, but the board got into some kind of stuck state, and I was unable to keep playing that game. (So I thought maybe trying in the app would allow me to at least preserve the history and resume from the last position if it got stuck again…)

Just to confirm: there is currently no way to use the board editor to set up a 2-player game?

not yet sorry - but is pushing very soon.

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Got it - thank you.

Do you by any chance post release notes anywhere when updates are pushed?

We are also going to post a feature release plan too. Lots of stuff on the way

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Thanks again

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