Stuck with the bot on the board menu after playing a game on ChessUp-2

Can anyone help?

When using the ChessUp App, after playing a game between chessup-2 board, and bot, once the game is over, I’m stuck with the bot on the board, and cannot go back to the chessup-2 board main menu. The only way I found was to power off the board with the switch, and re-power the board, losing the connection with the ChessUp App and Need to restart the App, and start all over again.

Is there a way to go back the main board menu, or to the main menu without having to power off the board?

Thanks for the help !


If you reset all the pieces, does it still hang?

I will mention it to the programming team.

Hello Jeff,
Many thanks for replying to my comment/observation .
I will play an other game tomorrow evening, and let you know if replacing all the pieces solves the problem.
Just to let you know, that if I click on the flag, even if I won, it asks to resign or cancel. To test the flag behavior, i clicked the resign an the cancel, and nothing happened.
When you win, it should ask if you want to return to the bots, to play another game, or return to the board main menu, save the game on for future game analysis.
When you loose, you should be noticed that you lost, and ask if you want to return to the bots, to play another game, or return to the board main menu, save the game on for future game analysis.

Hope this help !

With best regards,

Sam, are you using the ChessUp mobile app on your phone at the same time as playing a ChessDotCom game on ChessUp2? If so, could you please try playing with just the ChessUp2? The board should detect the end of the game, play a light sequence, and show a prompt to let you back to the main menu.

Hello Richard,
Thanks for the feedback !
As you indicated, yes, I’m using the ChessUp App on my Android Samsung phone, and playing against a bot on my ChessUp-2 board, after the game is finished, the board doesn’t allow me to return to the ChessUp-2 main menu, neither the ChessUp App, nor I need to power off the board, and restart everything again.
I played games directly from the board Bot, and when the game is done, i just press on the arrow, to return to the board main menu.
With kind regards,

Hello Jeff,
As promised, i just played a fast game on a low ELO bot, using the ChessUp App on my phone to have the game saved on for further review.
Once the game finished, the bot picture and flag was on the board menu (see the attached photo).

  • Leaving the bot picture on the board, i replaced all the pieces back to their original positions.
  • I clicked on the flag, and a new menu appeared asking if i wanted to resign, which is not correct, since i won !!! (See the attached photo).
  • I clicked on the green checkbox, a new menu appeared, mentioning i had abandoned, asking for a new game or go home, i selected home, and went to the main board menu (see the attached photo.)

My comments, if it can help :

  • When playing against a bot, once the game is done, it should indicate : You won, you lost, or it’s a draw. And have two buttons, indicating : Play another game against the same bot, or new bot. Or go to the main board menu.
  • It’s actually confusing and we don’t know what to do, what to choose.

Hope this helps :+1:
Let me know what you think and if it makes any sense.
With kind regards,

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Thank you Sam

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I’ve played multiple games against real people using the chessup 2 with no issues. However, when I tried to play against a bot (mainly cause that’s how I’m gonna get my son to play) both games failed. I got to 1 move before checkmate against the bot and the bot just stopped relaying moves – and as this person stated, I can’t exit the screen without restarting the board. I don’t use the chessup app at all while playing on the board.