Problems with

Hello together! Since a week I have problems playing with my chessup- board at The board shows the first move of my opponent and is not accepting my answer. At lichess everythink works well. Can you help me?

My second question: How long can you play with the board? My full loaded board works only 4 hours. Is ist normal? Thanks for an answer!


What phone platform are you using for

The board works for about 8 hours when playing online. If you are playing against the board AI - it consumes more power and can have different battery life.

Are you seeing 4 hours when playing online / with the app?

Hi Jeff,

I am using an Android Phone, Samsung Galaxy S 20. I have played often against the AI, therefor I can understand the 4 hours.
The problems with are still unsolved. But I have noticed, that they only happened, when I am playing wirh the black pieces.

Best wishes


Gesendet von AOL auf Android

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Thanks for letting us know about the black piece issue.

We have an improved solution coming on Android - perhaps 1 month away. It will be much more stable.

We are also working to improve the game start reliability each week with the current method.


My problems with are back again! Since 2 days I can`t play a single game on my chessUp Board. I can make my moves with the phone, but there is no reaction on the board. Anyone else with this problem?

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There was a temporary outage when changed their site just a bit.

I will have support email you to verify if there is still an issue and fix it.

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Hi Jeff,

since yesterday everything works fine. Thanks, but an earlier warning would be nice!


Gesendet von AOL auf Android