Save game settings

Would it be possible to add a feature to save your game settings? Would be nice if it at least just saved what you selected last time. Minor issue but would be really nice

Hi there!

Your voice has been heard and we will add this to future feature request list. Do keep in mind our developers are working on integration and that is their priority right now!

Persisting the last choice is a pretty easy add.

Are you mainly talking about the game setup selections? [i.e. platform, time format, etc]

Yes exactly that, figured it should be an easy thing to add. maybe in the future have the ability to save different profiles.

Is there any update on saving the setup to default when powering up the next time? Is it offered in Chessup 2? Here is the scenario: My brother has some dementia, but he plays chess; Chessup would be good for him, but the setup would be challenging. I would like to set up for one player against the AI at level x and to have this setup saved for ANY future power up. This is unlike saving the game to come up the next time to continue play. I want the setup to be saved as a default when powering up.

We do not have a default set up to that extent. However, ChessUp 2 is pretty easy to navigate to a game. So it would be a better fit than ChessUp 1.