I have noticed that matching with a Chess.com opponent doesn’t consistently work on Chessup, especially if I select “non-rated” and rapid game type (10, 30 or 60 minutes). When I select these options on the Chess.com iPhone app, it matches me immediately. It is much slower and sometimes doesn’t doesn’t match me on Chessup. Is there something different Chessup is doing to try to match me that the Chess.com app isn’t doing?
Generally - unrated match making takes a lot longer. And then we have options on constraints about who you can match up with - mainly the acceptable elo range.
@Richard any idea if we are entering different constraints (elo range, etc) on the app vs the CU2 - especially for unrated?
Note - if you ever take more than 10 seconds to match a rated game, then something is off. Might need to repower or even relogin.
The app doesn’t do anything range wise. It is all account settings based which the CU2 connection is using also
Unrated does tend to take longer. Also longer time formats tend to take longer to match as well.
The board often takes a little longer to start looking for a game, but typically only a second or two.
We don’t specify different constraints - that’s tied to the ChessDotCom user settings. You might double-check that those aren’t too narrow under Rating Range
Other than that, the matching times for longer formats may be variable just based on who is looking for a game at the same time that you are.