I’m curious why the option to play tournaments is not available in the app. There is an app called Verbal chess (https://www.verbalchess.fun/) that connects to Lichess through the API token (same as Chessup). Only rapid and slower tournaments are allowed, but that makes sense. I imagine just like when playing a tournament on Lichess you can set up your board again after your game is over and click “return to tournament” when you are ready to go.
Thanks for the suggestion - and yeah it seems like it is doable.
I will forward to the software team. Our major project at the moment is lessons, so it isn’t something we will get to immediately, but I understand the value.
Thank you. Hope its an easy one to implement. I’m excited about lessons too so that would be good to get eventually. You guys are also busy with chessup2 of course!!
on the “lessons” front. I had a suggestion I might as well throw out there. This board seems like an excellent way to review master games. Some kind of “guess the move” or chess book feature.
ok that’s all my ideas lol … at least I’m not asking you to implement correspondence chess