My brand new board is off by one with every single piece starting from the a2 square. I have calibrated the board, I have updated the firmware, I have fully charged the board. Nothing works. This “off-by-one” error gets even weirder as you try to play a game.
The off by one error affects every single part of the board and makes every single feature of the board unusable.
Any suggestion for how to fix this?
Chess up needs to add in a hard firmware reset somehow. Where you can restore the board fully to factory new settings as this is clearly not a hardware issue but a persistent firware issue.
It needs a new LED board. Sorry for the issue - we will get you a new one.
It is surprisingly not firmware. The LEDs all work in a chain. There is a rare situation where a bad LED will result in an off by one for every LED after it.
This is only the second occurrence we have ever seen - but I am assuming it is the same issue.
I will have Veronica email you and coordinate a replacement ASAP.
Thanks! The team has already been in touch and immediately got me a return label so I can get it replaced. Go Veronica! After having a really bad experience with one of ChessUps competitors (not gonna name names), this has been really great.