Problems about my board and difficulty finding support

My board has many problems, some have been resolved, and some have not. I was sent a defective queen and did receive a response that let me order a new one for free. My board also failed to connect to and many hours of googling finally revealed the solution. I still have many problems with my board though, namely:

  1. When plugged in, the board “flickers”, as though I am touching multiple pieces in rapid succession even though I am not touching them. Only occurs when the board is plugged in.

  2. When playing games on the board tells me it is my turn when it is not and my time jumps down randomly or just times me out. I have been very frustrated by this. My googling has already shown that most commonly this is a wifi issue but it is in the same room as my router so…

Number one seems the most odd, have yet to see this anywhere else.

I sent an email similar to this post earlier today and just received an automated response telling me the team was off for christmas even though it is December 27, quite frustrating.

This is due to a noisy power supply or outlet. You can upgrade the charging brick, try a new outlet, or just charge when off.

Can you try a game right now and video this? This seems like bad WiFi but I know you said the router is right there.

We do have a WiFi signal strength indicator in the next release.

We also have a fix coming for mesh systems (but not sure if you have a mesh wifi system with multiple access points?)

I could not reproduce the problem on video, possible it only happens intermittently. I do not use mesh boost, so it was not a connection issue, but I lost 30 rating points because of that bug.

Update: I did manage to catch the bug on video although much less problematic and not enough to lose me the game. You might have to watch carefully to spot it but the biggest hop was in the last 30 secs of the vid. I will post it below as soon as I email it to myself.

Thanks - you can also drop here:

Ok, uploaded, should be done in 3 mins.

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Is this one of your games with the issue?

(we get a log of any failed game and this was in the recent logs)

No, that was my failed video attempt…

The first two games I played with the board the glitch was enough to make me lose, that one the glitch did not occur at all and the next one was minor

So this was one that shows abandoned, was this one of the faulty ones?

Yes, I abandoned after the glitch occurred and tried to reboot my board, I also got a disconnect error msg on that game only

Got the video - thank you. I will review.

If the disconnect message appears - leave the board on. It is trying to reconnect and often will. We have new messaging in that pop up in 1.4.1 (it will say “reconnecting”)

Ok. The video has some glitches when white has around 8:30 left and the last 30 seconds of the video was the worst one. neither was for more than 5 secs unlike the abandoned game

I am trying to follow, is this the section you are talking about?

If so, the white clock seemed continuous to me. So can you describe in detail what I am looking for?

Thanks - I appreciate it.

There is a bit where the black clock goes up by 1 second when their move comes in, that is expected behavior. We are keeping time locally, but we adjust the clock when sends the move to their official time (kept on the server. If there is ever a large jump, it is usually related to delays (i.e. WiFi issues).

mostly looking for times when the white clock jumps down while black clock jumps up simultaneously. I may not have succesfully captured it on video but it was a much larger deal…

I wonder if anyone else has that problem…

Ok - yes - those are clock resyncs. It indicates the move took a long time to reach This is a symptom of an intermittent connection.

It can also happen with the app on a mobile device.

When we push firmware update 1.4.1 - it includes a WiFi meter (how many bars of the WiFi log = how strong the connection).

If you get a chance, please use that and share how strong is the signal. Strength is not everything, there are other ways data gets delayed, but it is a start to troubleshooting the disconnects and delays.

It was definitely not that for the reason that the router was in the same room and we have fiber internet. if we had lost wifi for enough time to cause the 5 min long problem on my first game other devices would have acted up… GOT A DECENT VID!!! Its only of the first move and is VERY noticeable. Editing this post b/c Ive hit my reply limit lol

Same upload link should work.

I did not even know our forum had a reply limit - let me see if I can change that

So the video you sent with the game start is related to how clocks start on

Some game modes - clocks start on white’s move
Other game modes - clocks start on black’s move
other game modes - clocks start at game launch

We have a mismatch at game launch of not rolling our clock even thought the one is rolling. That will be fixed.

*However, this only applies to the first moves.

You mentioned issues midgame with large clock jumps. Next time it happens, please link the game here and we can check the logs (no need to film). I believe the issue is occurring. I just want to investigate that issue and not the 1 second jumps and not the game initiation non-rolling issue.